BC Buscomfort
© Buscomfort Fahrzeugausstattung GmbH 2021 
How to find us: Our premises are located near the highway A81 exit Pleidelsheim or Ludwigsburg/Nord, just outside Stuttgart in the south of Germany. Please find the corresponding map below.
BC Buscomfort
Ralf Weckerle President (49) 7144 81631 20 (49) 7144 81631 50 weckerle(at)bc-buscomfort.de
Armin Geiger Senior Vice President (49) 7144 81631 10 (49) 7144 81631 50 geiger(at)bc-buscomfort.de
René Schomaker Sales Germany (49) 7144 81631 27 (49) 7144 81631 51 schomaker(at)bc-buscomfort.de
Renate Maaß Sales Gemany, Purchasing (49) 7144 81631 66 (49) 7144 81631 50 maass (at)bc-buscomfort.de
Margit Remmlinger Logistics, Export (49) 7144 81631 12 (49) 7144 81631 50 remmlinger(at)bc-buscomfort.de
BC Buscomfort Daimlerstrasse 12 71672 Marbach a.N. Baden-Württemberg Germany
tel: (49) 7144 81631 0 fax: (49) 7144 81631 50 www.bc-buscomfort.de e-mail: info@bc-buscomfort.de